May 31st, 2021
Day three of a lockdown
Because the bug has got away
and joined with other variants
Merry hell to pay !
April 1 , 2020
Lockdown meaning
Stay indoors except for an hour a day of
exercise and other essentials
No touching , distancing
No sharing households.
This is an unheard of circumstance.
April 2 , 2020
My diverticulitis is back
Perhaps there is something to be said about stress
And the gut.
April 4 , 2020
Isolated, I decide to take myself in hand
Which can be a suggestive turn of phrase
But here means, I give up wine
for my gut.
April 5 , 2020
The nail polish pack from an influencer
In Byron Bay arrives
And I pretend I am in Bali as I colour my toenails.
April 6 , 2020
It is a teary, wet and wild day
of cancelled plans and doused
April 8, 2020
I have been talking on the telephone
to lots of people who are in lockdown and
finding the hours hanging heavy.
I am glad I retired a while ago and am a little inured
To unlimited time.
April 9 , 2020
I have a CT Scan of my belly ,
Out of an abundance of caution which is a bit of a
COVID catch phrase.
A little risky in these times of raging infection
But the doctor insists.
April 10, 2020
It is Good Friday and feels appropriately
For many reasons, not all plague related
this Easter is lonely and devoid of family.
I remember my father`s reverence on this day.
April 11, 2020
I clean like a madwoman
All day
April 18, 2020
A friend and I had intended holidaying in the fire
ravaged areas to support them
about now but each day
there is a new restriction
And I am going no where.
April 19, 2020
I walk and talk and
Buy plants which are delivered
And books
which will be.
April 20. 2020
Telehealth consultation for problematic
Weirdly distanced discussion of
CT Scan showing diverticula
Nothing sinister.
April 24, 2020
My diary notes
No one, just me
I am obviously
feeling it.
April 25 , 2020
Oriental Lily called
Silk Road. Roots in the shade
Head in the sun.
April 26, 2020
I call three of my friends
No one answers
The cat food package is delivered.
I spray it
And leave it sitting in my hall
Like a bomb.
April 31 , 2020
Stayed in
No contacts
June 1, 2021
Stayed in
No contacts